I visited England for an Exhibition and London in the evening of the 12th and 13th of December.
Christmas decorations were up everywhere and endless swarms of people dressed up in red Christmas suits crowded the London streets.
I saw this lovely Christmas Fair on Leicester square.
Flying chairs( OMG ?! is that Elvis on the middle panel ?)
While I narrowly missed meeting my friend Priscilla ( from Kimono Daisuki ) who visited London earlier in the week and had just crossed the channel to Paris,
I did have a great time having dinner with her friend Mel in Chinatown.
But London still had a surprise in stock for me : the Palace Theater is running a musical called
Priscilla Queen of the Desert
Tip 1 for photographers : for nighttime pictures your auto exposure won't cope. Turn off your flash ( it's too small anyway and do more bad than good) , set ISO to 800 and exposure time on manual to 1/30. If you haven't a lens with stabilization, like me , stand with your back against a tree or a pole or anything.
You'll get blurs on moving people and rotating merry go rounds , but that is perfect : it shows the motion ( a powerful flash would simply freeze it ).
Tip2 If you want a steady picture of a merry go round to show the lovely details , wait till it's stopped, between runs :)